PROBABLY GAY: They also had to read out loud an Arabic text about «Justin Bieber being unclean and probably gay». (Screenshot from  TVNorge)

Bishop condemns «Bieber-conversion» on Norwegian TV

Teenagers had to put on hijab and recite Islamic creed in Arabic to win tickets to a Justin Bieber concert.

Tues­day night the Nor­we­gi­an TV chann­elTV­Nor­ge (TV Nor­way) broad­ca­s­ted an epi­so­de of the humor show «Anne-Kat», where girls in Oslo got to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a con­test to win tick­ets to aJus­tin Bie­ber con­cert.

The catch? They had to «con­vert» to Islam.

Artikkelen fortsetter under annonsen.

The girls had to rem­ove all make-up, put on a hijab and read so­met­hing which al­legedly was an Isla­mic creed, in Ara­bic. They also had to read out loud an Ara­bic text about «Jus­tin Bie­ber being un­clean and pro­bab­ly gay».

«We wan­ted to find out how far Nor­we­gi­an be­lie­bers are wil­ling to go for tick­ets to one of the con­certs», tv-show host Anne-Kat Hær­land said while in­tro­du­cing the epi­so­de.

Bis­hop Halv­or Nord­haug, from the Nor­we­gi­an Lu­the­ran Church, thinks the epi­so­de te­sti­fies to Hær­lands's lack of un­der­stan­ding of how much faith means for a lot of pe­op­le.

«This is an examp­le of an idea where irony and lack of re­spect turns into so­met­hing tra­gic.»

Nord­haug is cri­ti­cal of the epi­so­de, which he be­lie­ves crea­tes an im­pres­sion that Jus­tin Bie­ber is more im­por­tant than faith, and that pe­op­le are wil­ling to chan­ge re­li­gion for a con­cert tick­et.

«I be­lie­ve this [the con­test] is a foo­lish state­ment and it shows a lack of re­spect for what faith means,« he says.

«It is real­ly pat­he­tic»

Spo­ke­s­per­son Jens Brun-Pe­der­sen inHu­man-etisk For­bund (The Hu­ma­nist As­socia­tion in Nor­way) dis­agre­es with the bis­hop. He be­lie­ves humor should pro­vo­ke and that come­di­ans should have re­spect for as litt­le as pos­sib­le. 

«Ge­ne­ral­ly, I want to say that humor ought to chal­len­ge not only Islam, but also Chris­tia­ni­ty, Hu­ma­nism, po­li­tics and eco­no­my. In my per­s­pec­ti­ve, it is one of the come­di­an's tasks to chal­len­ge pe­op­le in power. We may also discuss whether or not so­met­hing is tas­teless, but I don't want to get into that as I have not seen this par­ti­cu­lar epi­so­de.»

Artikkelen fortsetter under annonsen.

 Brun-Pe­der­sen also says it sounds like this TV show has pointed out the Bie­ber-fe­ver.

«One might see this just as much as an irony about the crazy­ne­ss sur­round­ing «Jo­stein Bea­ver», as I like to call him.»

TV Norge's head of com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Svein Tore Ber­ge­stu­en un­der­sco­res that he has not been in­volved with the pro­duc­tion of the epi­so­de in ques­tion.

«Anne-Kat. and her crew have the free­dom to crea­te a funny TV show. It is not up to us to ques­tion their jud­ge­ment about what is funny and what is not.»

Ber­ge­stu­en thinks that if a TV show ought to be funny these days, the come­di­ans must be al­low­ed much li­ber­ty.

«But that li­ber­ty comes with a re­spon­s­i­bi­li­ty. How­e­ver, in light of this par­ti­cu­lar epi­so­de there is much left be­fore they have crossed any boun­da­ries.»

The news­pa­per Dagen has also been in touch with Mehtab Afsar, Ge­ne­ral Secre­tay of theNor­we­gi­an Isla­mic Coun­cil, but have not been able to get his com­ments.

Source:This ar­ticle writ­ten in nor­we­gi­an